2024 Executive Elections

Welcome to UTE Local 00014 Election Central. This resource is here to provide information for members who are considering running for an executive position; nominators; and members who want to be well-informed ahead of the voting early in 2024.

The by-laws for our local require that an election for executive offices occurs once every 3 years. At this time all positions on the executive are open for nominations for the next 3 year term.

The executive consist of the following positions elected by the general membership: 

  • Local President 
  • Local 1st Vice-President 
  • Local 2nd Vice-President 
  • Local Treasurer 
  • Local Secretary 

… and the position(s) of (co-)Chief Steward(s), who are elected by the local’s stewards.

Important dates

Nomination committee

Position Descriptions for Executive Offices

Submitting a Nomination