Virtual Work Arrangements update from UTE

Virtual Work Arrangement Update ( Virtual Work Arrangement UpdateJuly 25, 2024 Brothers, Sisters and Friends,This will serve as an update to the messages from our National President on May 16th regarding the Commissioner’s arbitrary and unilateral decision to comply with the Treasury Board Direction of an increase to an average of three days per week Requirement of… Continue reading Virtual Work Arrangements update from UTE

3 days a week: message from UTE National

Three days at the office: a decision that will not go down well May 2, 2024 Sisters, Brothers and Friends, Yesterday, the federal government announced, in a cavalier manner and without any consultation with the unions, that starting September 9, 2024, federal public service workers will henceforth be required to report to the office for… Continue reading 3 days a week: message from UTE National

Let us stand together and we WILL prevail!

originally posted at: LET US STAND TOGETHER AND WE WILL PREVAIL April 14, 2023 Addendum: I have spoken with to the PSAC National President, Brother Chris Aylward, and I am very pleased to report that PSAC and Treasury Board have agreed to continue bargaining talks through the weekend. Marc BrièreUTE National President Sisters, Brothers and… Continue reading Let us stand together and we WILL prevail!
